• <sup id="5cggy"></sup>
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              1. <button id="5cggy"></button>

                App Downloads

                1. Where to download my Tineco App?

                  You can download the .apk file of Tineco App by clicking HERE and then install it to your mobile phone (require Android 8.0 or later).
                  The latest version:v1.2.29


                  1. You can just search the keyword "Tineco" on App Store and then install it to your iPhone or iPad.
                  2. Click and install Tineco App directly on App Store!


                Has this service helped you?

                1. Yes

                2. No

                1. Troubleshooting

                2. FAQs

                3. Product Care

                4. Instruction Manual

                How would you rate our
                online support?

                Submit Feedback

                Issue still not resolved?

                Contact Tineco Support Team.

                A complete description of your problem or questions (with related photo or video) will enable us to support you more?efficiently and effectively.

                TO BE TINECO INSIDER

              2. <sup id="5cggy"></sup>
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                          1. <button id="5cggy"></button>